Friday, June 5, 2009

Lurch & Babble

The absurdity continues:

If anyone appears un-American these days, it is the ultra-conservative fanatics with their fear-peddling and hate mongering. They obviously have nothing better to occupy their time, although they might consider doing the jobs they were elected to do once in a blue moon.

Does anyone remember the "town hall meeting" McCain held during the presidential campaign, in which the nutty old lady in the audience told him she didn't like Obama because she thought he was a Muslim? To my surprise, McCain defended Obama. Later, I wrote about the incident on my primary web log Irish Eyes (re: Spec of Light, 10/11/08).

Because of the constant right-wing barrage on President Obama from less than credible sources, I have come to the conclusion that the majority of the Republican Party is as simple-minded and uneducated as the woman who lurched in front of McCain's microphone last October and babbled her nonsense.

With each passing day and each absurd headline, the GOP is becoming more or less irrelevant.

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