Thursday, October 4, 2012

Not So Fast

Many political pundits are saying President Obama was off his game during the first presidential debate last night, but I thought he was calm and collected while Mittens was like a deer in the headlights (especially when the camera panned to his face as the President was speaking). The way Romney kept running over the moderator was also very annoying, and his grasp of facts was less than stellar as usual:

Romney's repetition of various phrases which included references to "truth" and "jobs" made little impression, frankly, because he is not credible as a candidate as far as I'm concerned. I was never undecided to begin with, but after last night's back and forth I am more firmly in President Obama's camp than ever before.

One thing I found incredulous is that President Obama didn't fling a few things at his opponent - such as 47 percent among others - but perhaps he's saving it for the next debate.

Thankfully there are still two more to go.

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