Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Noxious Avarice

Finally, a bit of tangible proof that health insurance companies care more about their own financial bottom line that they do about actual policy holders (re: patients):
On a related note, this story at Think Progress caught my eye:
It boils my blood. People pay out extraordinarily high insurance premiums to secure health care. Many millions of people, including children and the elderly, have no health coverage at all.

Most health insurance companies and certain legislators seem to view the American people as a herd of faceless cattle. As long as someone is making money hand over fist, who gives a rat's ass if countless numbers of people go without healthcare, ignore their own health issues because they cannot afford treatment, or go broke trying to save their own lives?

I'd rather have a socialized system of medicine than the poor excuse for healthcare we have now. In essence, health insurance companies are lining their pockets while Americans receive inadequate care, are denied coverage for various reasons or have to pay astronomical premiums for very little in return.

These greed-ridden companies need to be taken down and shown the door, preferably sooner than later.

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